DNA is cool.
DNA Biology and Bioinformatics Camp 2015 Welcome to the DNA Biology and Bioinformatics Camp at Oregon State University!

About the Camp

DNA Biology and Bioinformatics Camp (Basic): Did you know that there are millions of DNA building blocks that encode for thousands of genes in the genome of all living organisms? How can scientists possibly study these vast stretches of DNA and genes to find genetic variation, gene function and their responses to signals from the environment? Scientists use biology experiments in a laboratory and perform queries and analyses on computers! This summer we invite you to come and explore the world of modern biology and learn how to examine the complexities of DNA. Through model-building, laboratory experiments and computer analyses – participants will gain basic understanding of biology, genetics, biotechnology and bioinformatics. Students will also learn some basic software programming tricks in the class. No prior programming skills required. Notes on Scholarships/Fee Waivers: Scholarship funds available for minorities, low-income, rural, first-generation college students, and/or females. ALL students planning to attend both this camp and the “advanced” camp the week of July 13-17 are also eligible to receive complementary registration fee waiver for one week. Full attendance in both weeks is required to receive the scholarship. Notes on Grade Level: This camp is intended for high school aged students. Therefore, 8th-graders who chose to register should be at a high school age maturity-level and academic understanding.

DNA Biology and Bioinformatics Camp (Advanced): This summer we invite students to our new advanced level-2 camp to come and explore the world of modern biology and learn how to examine the complexities of DNA. You will participate in hands-on activities involving advanced genomics and bioinformatics tools to identify existing or new species of worms by embarking on the ‘worm hunt’, identify animal cancer cells from healthy cells, characterize bacterial strains and perform bioinformatics analyses of assembling and annotating the sequenced bacterial genomes that the students will characterize. You will also learn basic software programming tricks. No prior programming skills required. Notes on Eligibility: This camp is open ONLY to students who enroll in the “Basic” camp the week of July 6-10 or students that have participated in the DNA Biology and Bioinformatics Camp in 2013 or 2014. Notes on Scholarships/Fee Waivers: Scholarship funds available for minorities, low-income, rural, first-generation college students, and/or females. ALL students planning to attend both this camp and the “basic” camp the week of July 6-10 are also eligible to receive complementary registration fee waiver for one week. Full attendance in both weeks is required to receive the scholarship. Notes on Grade Level: This camp is intended for high school aged students. Therefore, 8th-graders who chose to register should be at a high school age maturity-level and academic understanding.


Week 1: Basic Camp

Day 1: Monday July 6th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Camp Overview
9:15am Cordley 3077 Living Cell and genetic material (hands on activity on DNA modeling exercise)
9:45am Cordley 3077 DNA, genes, markers and phenotypes (Hands on activity on Mendelian genetics
10:45am Cordley 3086 Breaks and Snacks
11:00am Cordley 3077 Genetic transformation of experimental model, tobacco plants, with T-DNA inserts carrying GUS reporter gene.

Day 2: Tuesday July 7th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 1 & Questions?
9:15am Cordley 3077 Plant DNA isolation
10:00am Cordley 3077 Bacterial DNA isolation
10:20am Cordley 3086 Breaks and Snacks
10:30am Cordley 3077 Bacterial DNA isolation (Continued)
10:45am Cordley 3077 DNA modeling & on-paper exercise
11:15am Cordley 3077 Online Exercise on DNA: Expasy Tools Project Page

Day 3: Wednesday July 8th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 2 & Questions?
9:15am Cordley 3077 DNA modeling exercise on mutations: SNPs, indels, SSRs/Repeates
9:30am Cordley 3077 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Amplify genetic markers (SSR) containing DNA segment from (1) cultivated spring and wild winter wheat and (2) drought tolerant and susceptible rice
10:10am Cordley 3077 Preparation of bacterial DNA library for whole genome sequencing
11:00am Cordley 3086 Breaks and Snacks
11:15am Cordley 3077 Writing Software for Bioinformatics: Introduction to Unix commands Project Page

Day 4: Thursday July 9th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 3 & Questions?
9:05am Cordley 3077 Load DNA electrophoresis gel
9:30am Cordley 3077 GUS reporter gene assay for genetic transformation of tobacco plants (continue from Day-1)
9:45am ALS-CGRB Tour of the Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing (CGRB)-Form 2 groups
10:15am Cordley 3086 Breaks and Snacks
10:30am Cordley 4056 Write software to analyze biological data - Gene Annotations (VRS1) Project Page
11:30am Cordley 3077 Visualize the amplified DNA fragment on a gel (from Day-3) and find genotype differences

Day 5: Friday July 10th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 4 & Questions?
9:05am Cordley 3077 Visualize results of genetic transformation of plants
9:30am Cordley 4056 Software tools for DNA biology- Online - Protein Structure Project Page
10:30am Cordley 3086 Breaks and Snacks
10:45am Cordley 3077 Group Discussion
11:15am Cordley 3077 Meet Scientists, Questions, Certificates, Conclusion
12:00pm Cordley 3056 PIZZA Lunch

Week 2: Advanced Camp

Day 1: Monday July 13th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Camp Overview
9:15am Oregon State Campus Walk to Pharmacy Building
9:25am Pharmacy 329 Overview of Cancer and Molecular Biology
9:35am Pharmacy 133 Cancer tissue embedding
10:45am Oregon State Campus Walk back to Cordley, Break and Snacks
11:00am Oregon State Campus and Cordley 3077 Collect worm samples from around Campus

Day 2: Tuesday July 14th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 1 & Questions?
9:05am Oregon State Campus Walk to Pharmacy Building
9:20am Pharmacy 319 Staining and visualization of skin tumor samples processed on Day-1 (hands on exercise)
10:00am Pharmacy 107B Cancer cell culture & transformation
10:45am Cordley 3086 Walk back to Cordley, Break and Snacks
11:00am Cordley 3077 Worm DNA isolation

Day 3: Wednesday July 15th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 2 & Questions?
9:05am Oregon State Campus Walk to Pharmacy Building
9:20am Pharmacy 319 Tumor/Cancer cell imaging, analysis & phenotyping
10:15am Oregon State Campus Walk back to Cordley, Breaks, and Snacks
10:45am Cordley 4056 Write software to analyze biological data (review unix commands) Project Page
11:00am Cordley 4056 Writing Software for Bioinformatics: BLAST and Scatter Plots Project Page

Day 4: Thursday July 16th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 3 & Questions?
9:05am Cordley 4056 Write software to analyze biological Data (read quality) Project Page
10:00am Cordley 4056 Assemble bacterial genome sequences. Project Page
10:45am Cordley 3086 Breaks and Snacks
11:00am Cordley 4056 Analyze biological data (construct rRNA based species taxonomy tree) Project Document

Day 5: Friday July 17th, 2015

Time Location Title
9:00am Cordley 3077 Review of Day 4 & Questions?
9:05am Cordley 4056 Annotate bacterial genome sequences (predict genes and their functions) using Artemis Project Page
10:00am Cordley 4056 Bacterial genotyping and phylogenetic analysis Project Page
10:45am Cordley 3086 Breaks and Snacks
11:00am Cordley 3077 Discussion, Meet Scientists, Questions, Certificates, Conclusion
12:00pm Cordley 3056 PIZZA Lunch


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